Tratsch: Warum kann man hier keine 10000 Euro einzahlen?

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 19:37

Ich möchte täglich 10000 einzahlen und wöchentlich 69500 Euro auszahlen lassen, warum funktioniert das nicht?

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:02
zuletzt bearbeitet am 30. Juni 2015, um 20:38


king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:05

naja was will man von unknow platform erwarten 😠

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:10

Here meaningless points Players are preferred

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:12

I do not understand why here are stored on Haupt's points

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:15

If no points would be saved, no one would be offended as Depp knocker and other main common here also, and then return here a rest

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:18

But here there are admin, who did not even know their own rules and the Sheepshead have no haze

king30, 30. Juni 2015, um 20:23

Check it out here what so telling an admin for crap, that's claiming to Fremdschämen just what is wrong.................

benni565, 01. Juli 2015, um 00:54
zuletzt bearbeitet am 01. Juli 2015, um 00:55

Now it goes loose or what?
My dear mister singingclub, you make there very hard offences!
We talk about Sheepshead and thad is a very harmless play... male descendant of a female Person. which is copulating with anyybody everywhere!

Klopferdepp, 01. Juli 2015, um 00:56

it were better, when you uphear, me to nerv. also please unterlet it, here one of funny to make. understand, that I it not good find can, in order?

benni565, 01. Juli 2015, um 01:16

I remembered it in the first moment that king30 has something to do with you!
I can live with this, when you leave me in peace.
If you will labber more shit, I will carry my brothers here an they will polish your eating-hole. Then you are looking fool !

Seer, 01. Juli 2015, um 07:47

"your eating-hole." *schmunzel*

Ex-Sauspieler #246929, 01. Juli 2015, um 17:43

lool ihr seids so witzig.... das hat mir den Tag gerettet is see you all good english speaker :-)

Ex-Sauspieler #246929, 01. Juli 2015, um 17:45

ich vermisse die Wissenschaftler hier. Ich hab damit gerechnet dass hier schon lange eine Statistik steht, die erläutert, was man tun muss um täglich von 10.000 auf 69.500 zu kommen

jozi, 01. Juli 2015, um 18:08

eigentlich sind das -500€/woche

jGoetz, 01. Juli 2015, um 19:53

I suppose so:money laundering!

Klopferdepp, 02. Juli 2015, um 00:46

it can only a verswearungstheoretican sowhat think. outerdem have I not all understand, what against me gosaid was. would me godroht with assversoling? thereover can i only laugh. it does me suffer, ehrly.

Ex-Sauspieler #390111, 02. Juli 2015, um 01:17

sank you klopferdepp!

you have erweitert my englisch um another word.

"outerdem" do ich echt find cool.

Ex-Sauspieler #163253, 02. Juli 2015, um 10:33

you`re on se woodway

kleiner-troll, 02. Juli 2015, um 13:48

Wenn ich mal groß bin, möchte ich auch 10000.- Euro haben und Englisch sprechen können 😄

kanineed, 03. Juli 2015, um 07:49

ohh " it rolls me up the footnails"

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